Need help finding your accommodation? Want to know how our site works? Here's the information for those who need a guarantor: we can help you.
Garantme helps you find your apartment by acting as your guarantor. Our role is to reassure landlords about your profile and your ability to pay your rent every month.1) Apply online at You fill out the form in 5 minutes by uploading your supporting documents (details here). If you don't have them on hand, you can do it in several times.
2) Receive your Garantme certificate: Within 24 hours, we will send you the Garantme certificate. It allows you to prove to landlords that Garantme will be your guarantor (details here).
3) Start your search: You indicate Garantme as your guarantor. You can contact us at any time, even during a visit.
Garantme helps you through a network of partners:
- Find our partner agencies here
- And our partner residences here
But also thanks to our super team, always available to answer landlords' questions. To request it, simply write to us at the address or call us at +33176420820.
4) Trigger the issuance of the guarantee: Once the landlord has approved your request, activate the guarantee through payment of the Garantme Pack: see price details here.
You will receive the guarantee within 2 hours.
5) Sign your lease! Congratulations, you made it.