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  2. Tenant
  3. Get Garantme Guarantee

What is a Responsible Party? Why do I need one?

A Responsible Party is someone who vouches for the good behaviour of the tenant

The trusted referee is not a guarantor.

Garantme will act as a guarantor for you. For this, we need to ensure that you will be able to meet your commitments to the landlord. In some cases, we therefore ask for a trusted referee. It maximizes your chances of being eligible for Garantme.

It's someone from your circle, who is not connected to the lease, unlike the guarantor.

Do you find it strange that you are asked for a "guarantor" when you are looking for a "guarantor"? The difference is that your trusted referee is accepted by Garantme even though he or she is not accepted by the landlord or agency:

  1. Your Trusted Referee can live anywhere in the world.
  2. His or her resources can be anywhere in the world in any currency.
  3. He or she does not need to have a minimum level of resources as we consider his or her savings.
  4. He or she has no legal responsibilities towards the landlord.

Your Trusted Referee can be a friend or a family member.